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"We are what we repeatedly do". Aristotle

Hello! my name is Mariajose, I am a certified Health Coach and Fitness Instructor, licensed to teach Zumba, Yoga and Strength Training Group Classes. I am also an Animator and a Teacher.

I love to share my passion for dance, Latin music, healthy living and art. Born and raised in Guatemala City, I’ve always enjoyed the warm, mood-lifting feeling of Tropical Music. A good song can make my hips and my feet move regardless of the place I am… even in the shower!

Some of my favorite musicians that you can find on my Zumba playlist are Carlos Vives, Shakira, Gente de Zona, Daddy Yankee, Don Omar, J Balvin to name a few.

When you come to my class, you can expect to have a fun, high-energy cardio workout that will make you sweat and feel alive!


Nowadays I’m dedicated to health and fitness, but it wasn’t always that way. For years I suffered from numerous physical conditions that stopped me from living my life to the fullest. When I was 13 years old I developed terrible acne that stayed with me for more than a decade; I also struggled with my weight for a long time. I am 5'3, and currently I keep my weight around 115 -120 pounds but back in the day I weighed over 150. I was always active, but my eating habits were far from healthy. I would eat if I was sad, I would eat if I was happy, I would eat if I was anxious. My relationship with food was not the healthiest, to say the least and being overweight affected me both physically and mentally; feeling depressed was a common emotional state for me in those days.


But since 2004 I changed my way of thinking and my way of eating. No more diets, they don’t work, they slow down your metabolism. No more negative thinking and putting myself down. I started to believe in me and worked on strengthening my mind, my spirit, and my body. Less TV and more getting to know myself, less junk food and more real food, less sitting and more moving, that simple.

I share these past struggles because I truly believe that everything happens for a reason. Our problems can overwhelm us, or we can turn them into a learning experience. I chose the second option. My own journey and progress have inspired me to help others and share what I have learned along the way. If it wasn't for my weight problem, I would probably have never discovered the wonderful power I have to change and improve myself day to day; power that we ALL have inside of us...


I made my way of eating a lifestyle. I consume clean, healthy, and nutritious foods that fuel my active life filled with many daily activities; like Zumba, Health Coaching, cooking all my meals, gardening, etc.

I look and I feel healthy and strong, my mind is sharp, and my energy level is super high, and I love it! I teach Zumba 6 times a week. It’s definitely one of my favorite activities. I love how I get the “Runner’s High” or I should say the "Dancer's High" with the intense choreographies I make myself.

At the end of the class, the endorphins, the dopamine, the oxytocin, and all the “Happy Hormones” are overflowing in my brain. Sharing my favorite music and choreographies with my students makes me feel euphoric, and I see the same in my student's faces when I look at those wide and beautiful smiles. I LOVE the energy I get from teaching Zumba.


I hope to share with you my passion for Dance and Healthy Living.

See you in class!!!


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